We always do the Best we can!
1. 港島及九龍區消費滿$800免運費 ; 新界區或未滿$800需加$80運費。偏遠地方或離島運費另議。
2. 截單時間 : 最好提早一天預訂,如即日預訂可以先WHATSAPP我們查詢,收到WHATSAPP確認訊息才算確認訂購。
3. 不設自選時段 ,送貨時間大約2pm - 8pm。貨到前大約1小時送貨員會先致電。
4. 送貨時間可能會有出入,須視乎當天訂單情況,本公司不能控制到貨時間, 如需特定時間,可預早聯絡我們,或需額外收費。
5. 提供送上樓服務(酒店、村屋及無電梯之唐樓除外)
6. 不設貨到付款。
7. 請確保收貨時段有人收件,如到達後閣下未能即時安排收貨,可能會加收等候費用或須重新安排另一個時段,並需要收取附加費用。
Delivery Information
1. Free delivery with an order over HKD800 in HK Island & Kowloon District. Extra HKD80 charge
on top for orders below HKD800 or orders in New Territories. The delivery fee will be discussed
separately for orders in islands district or Remote Areas.
2. Last Order: The last order will only be confirmed one day before the delivery day and you
will receive the WhatsApp message of the order confirmation.
3. No Time of Delivery will be offered to choose, the delivery period will be around 2pm - 8pm. The
deliverer will contact you one hour before the products arrive.
4. The delivery time may be different for each order, it depends on the order conditions for each
day. Our company will not be able to control the Time of Delivery. Please contact us in advance if
you require a specific delivery time (additional charges may apply).
5. We offer Delivery to Home service (Exception: Hotels, Village Houses & Tenement House
without lifts).
6. No Pay on Delivery service will be offered.
7. Please assure that the order will be collected during the delivery period. Waiting fee might be
applied or the delivery might be rescheduled with an additional charge if the products failed to be